28.11.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, GEO BON, Biodiversity Conservation, iDiv Members

iDiv at 14th CoP to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Members of the GEO BON delegation including iDiv scientists (from left to right) Néstor Fernández, Henrique Pereira, Laetitia Navarro and HyeJin Kim (photo: Henrique Pereira)

Members of the GEO BON delegation including iDiv scientists (from left to right) Néstor Fernández, Henrique Pereira, Laetitia Navarro and HyeJin Kim (photo: Henrique Pereira)

Note for the media: Use of the pictures provided by iDiv is permitted for reports related to this media release only, and under the condition that credit is given to the picture originator.
From 17 to 29 November 2018, the 14th Conference of the Parties (CoP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) took place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Several iDiv scientists participated.  Prof Josef Settele (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, iDiv) gave two talks related to the IPBES Global Assessment he is co-chairing. GEO BON representatives Dr Laetitia Navarro (iDiv, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg – MLU), HyeJin Kim (iDiv, MLU), Dr Néstor Fernández (iDiv, MLU) and Prof Henrique Pereira (iDiv, MLU) joined the convention as an “observer delegation”, presenting an official intervention in the plenary by reading the “Beijing call”. In this statement, GEO BON calls for the post-2020 targets to explicitly include the development of sustained operational national biodiversity observation networks. GEO BON also organised and hosted a side event entitled “From biodiversity data to reporting”. Furthermore, Néstor Fernández and Henrique Pereira hosted a session on “Rewilding Landscapes for Nature & People”. Henrique Pereira gave several talks during the CoP, including one on “Nature Futures for the post 2020 biodiversity strategy”. Laetitia Navarro (iDiv, MLU), Executive Secretary of GEO BON, gave another two presentations at CoP side events.
Further information: The Beijing 2018 call on biodiversity observations for post-2020 decision-making
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